Whether you’re driving to work, taking a road trip or just driving down the highway, dashcams can help you stay safe. Not only do they provide you with proof in case of an accident, but they can also deter thieves and keep your insurance costs low.
Invest in One That’s Right for You
A dashcam is a small device that attaches to your vehicle’s dashboard and records what’s happening inside and outside of the car. They come in all shapes and sizes, with varying storage capacities and recording capabilities. You can even find dashcams that let you connect your phone to them, so you can record video instantly and view it via an app.
Features You Need to Look For
A good dashcam should have a high-quality chip and a large enough storage space to accommodate the recorded files. It should also be able to record in a loop, so it’s unlikely that it will ever run out of storage space and miss an important incident.
What’s More, a dashcam should have a feature that allows it to switch off when you turn off the engine. This will prevent it from draining the battery and make it harder for someone to steal your car, so it’s worth investing in a camera that has this feature.
Report Reckless/Rash Drivers
The road can be unpredictable and you can often find aggressive or rash drivers on the highway. A dash cam helps you document these drivers, so that you can easily report them to the police.
Capture Unforgettable Incidents
When it comes to road safety, it’s important that you know what is going on around you at all times. With a dash cam, you can capture all the action on the road and share it with friends and family.
Avoid Harassment by Police: When you have a dashcam in your car, you can be sure that you won’t be harassed by police, who are notorious for false allegations. You can also use the footage to prove your innocence if someone hits your parked car and drives off.
Save Money on Insurance: If you have a dash cam, it’s more likely that your insurance provider will give you a discount for having one. That could mean thousands of dollars in savings over time, so it’s worth considering getting one as a way to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Ensure that the Dashcam Doesn’t Lag: While most dash cams are fairly low-maintenance, you want to make sure they don’t lag when the time comes to record an important event. This can be caused by a weak chipset, or simply because of the time it takes for the camera to process video files.
Get a Powerful Chipset and Storage: A dashcam that has a powerful chipset can work more efficiently, as it doesn’t have to struggle to process data. Moreover, a dash cam that has an SD card of at least 32GB can be a great choice as it will save you money on storage in the long run.